Auto Financial Services

Managing credit losses in a challenging environment with PEGA

Managing credit losses in a challenging environment with PEGA

Leading a consumer revolution

Rising delinquencies in the auto lending space, set our journey to building next-generation collections and underwriting operations, developing effective omnichannel orchestration moving to a highmoving high Level of operation task. Allowings for timely compliance with regulatory and reporting changes, lastly increasing the success rate of identifying and engaging with the delinquent customers that are hardest to reach.

Your Digital Partner

Digital transformation is harder, running really transformative cross-functional operational and digital efforts require significant coordination, executive commitment and experience. With Instellars, unleash the power of digital journey to your customer, reshape your business and your technology.


Talent should be the skills needed at all levels of the business.


Technology is crucial to make the risk of technology overhaul.

Customer Journey

We share the same goal through customer micro journeys.


Rewiring the mechanisms for making decisions, to run digital machine.

Value proposition

Driving business results through design thinking.


PEGA system partner, a software provider for digital business outcomes.

Why Instellars?

The Star thinkers and doers

400+ Person Years Of
Pega Expertise

A pool of experienced PEGA professionals for the right project at the right time with the right solutions.

Speed &

We deliver with pace and respond to our clients with a sense of urgency. We continuously strive to meet our goal of delivering on time, every time.


We offer skilled Pega professionals and team to staff any project of any size, any time.


Dedicated offshore and onshore team to deliver the pega implementations to reduce cost.


Customised contact centre solutions and remarketing processes for financial services and public sector.

End to End

Execution from inception to transition phase with the right PEGA experts and proven methodologies.

Stay Agile
The transformation that matters

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Send your resume to  Careers @ Instellars